Period blood: Color, amount of blood, consistency and strength

What your period reveals about your health

While we experience menstrual bleeding every month, most of us don’t take much notice of the color.  The fact is, period blood can tell you a lot about t your  physical health. But what are the indicators to keep an eye on? In addition to color and consistency, the heaviness or amount of bleeding and the length of the cycle are also crucial: If the period occurs at very short intervals, for example, this can be an indication of stress or progesterone deficiency. Conversely, if more than 35 days elapse between two menstrual periods, there could be a cycle disorder or suggest that ovulation has not occurred.

The period is a vital sign that reflects changes in the female body, physical and mental health.. It’s worth taking a closer look at menstrual blood.

Fifty Shades of Red - Now it's time to show your colors

Bright red, brown or even orange - the color palette for menstrual blood is broad (and that's totally okay!). In fact, periods are rarely actually “blood red,” because only about half of them are made up of blood. The rest is made up of vaginal secretions, cervical mucus, tissue and, of course, the egg. Basically, the color of menstruation is as individual as women themselves In principle, anything between light red and dark brown is quite normal and healthy. In order to recognize possible changes, it makes sense to always keep an eye on the bleeding, because an unusual coloration can be a warning sign from the body.

Rose or light red period blood

A light  red or pinkish color can indicate low estrogen levels and often occurs during or after strict dieting. However, it can also indicate pregnancy, because periods do not always stop during pregnancy.

Bright red menstrual blood

Does your menstrual blood lood have a rich red hue like the color of cranberry juice during your period? Then everything is in perfect order. The stronger the hue and the more it resembles normal blood, the better.

Dark red period blood

If menstrual blood is darker red, this indicates high estrogen levels. In this case, the uterus builds up an extra thick layer of mucous membrane, which then makes the menstrual fluid look darker. Sometimes clots  also form in the process, which is quite normal. However, if these clots occur regularly, it is advisable to talk to your doctor, as this could also be a sign of a reproductive health issue

Orange-grey period blood

If your menstrual blood is orange or even has a tinge of gray, this is a warning signal: this coloration is not normal and often occurs in connection with infections or inflammations. You should contact your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner the cause is treated, the better! During this time, tampons or disposable pads should be avoided so that the vaginal environment is not irritated more

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
CHF 319.00 CHF 399.00

Until 10/31/2024

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.

Too strong, too weak, too XX - How much blood is actually normal?

On average, women lose between 30 and 70ml of blood per period. That's as much as a 2 or 3 shot glassestequila shots. Some women have to change tampons, sanitary pads and the like every few hours during their period, while for others menstruation is only light and is over again after just a few days. The strength of menstruation is quite individual, but can also give conclusions about hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, or reproductive health issues

Heavy period (Over 80 ml in 4-7 days)

Young girls in their first years of menstrual cycls and women closer to menopause often have heavy periods. How much blood is excreted is often related to hormonal factors. If you do not belong to either  of these groups, a medical check-up is definitely advisable, because some reproductive health issues can be the cause of heavy bleeding.

Normal heavy menstruation (40-50ml in 4-7 days.)

Three to four tablespoons of blood - this amount of period is absolutely normal and a good sign that everything is fine. This corresponds to about 3-4 tampons per day (after all, we usually do not have a spoon in the bathroom).

Weak bleeding (25ml in 1-3 days)

Women who over exercise , are underweight  or do not eat enough usually have a very short menstrual period. Also, those who use birth control pills or other hormonal contraceptive methods often have weak bleeding. If the period is less heavy than usual for seemingly no reason, pregnancy could also be the reason.

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
CHF 319.00 CHF 399.00

Until 10/31/2024

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.

Let's talk about texture, baby- What consistency should period blood have?

Thin, thick or slimy? The texture of period blood can also reveal details about our bodies and health.

Liquid bleeding

A watery consistency is usually accompanied by a pink to light red color and shows: Estrogen levels are particularly low. At the same time, the period is often still very light on the first day of menstruation, as the new blood flows out of the body more quickly and is thinner. Watery periods can be a harbinger of menopause, because in the so-called perimenopause - the phase in which the body prepares for menopause - the estrogen level in the blood drops sharply.

Thick to lumpy bleeding

Small clots in period blood are absolutely normal. These are remnants of the uterine lining that are increasingly excreted when you sit for long periods and move little. Large blood clots are often noticeable when menstrual bleeding is heavy and the tissue cannot completely dissolve before being excreted. If the clots persist it is best to consult with your doctor

Smooth, mucous bleeding

Menstrual blood is at times slimy and reminiscent of spotting? This is no cause for concern: the blood often mixes with cervical mucus, giving it a smooth, almost slippery consistency.

Take care of yourself - with Daysy

To keep an eye on major changes in your period, it is advisable to know your cycle as well as possible and to regularly document your menstruation in terms of timing, duration and intensity.

This is particularly easy with the Daysy. The smart fertility tracker helps women to observe their cycle naturally and to get to know themselves better. To do this, the medtech device combines basal body temperature measurement with a sophisticated self-learning algorithm based on more than 35 years of cycle research and the evaluation of over 10 million cycles. A short measurement in the morning and the input of your period days (at least three consecutive days) is enough to make very personal and meaningful decisions about the menstrual cycle, your own fertility and health.

Out of control: When your period suddenly stops

Basically, you don't have to worry about every period or cycle irregularity. However, it is advisable to ask your doctor for advice if the following problems occur again and again:

  • Your menstruation suddenly stops for no apparent reason and Daysy does not indicate pregnancy or a pregnancy test is negative.
  • You experience spotting for the first time.
  • Your menstruation is so frequent and irregular that no pattern is recognizable.
  • You have irregular bleeding between periods again and again.
  • Your menstruation lasts longer than 7 days.
  • Your menstruation is very weak, with little bleeding, and very short. 
  • You have vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • Your menstruation is excessive (tampons etc. have to be changed every hour) or lasts significantly longer than normal.
  • Your periods stop after they have been regular for a while.

Often there are no dramatic reasons for these changes, but if they are persistant you should consult with your doctor as a cautionary measure. t - better safe than sorry!

To make a diagnosis, your doctor will first ask you about your cycle and medical history. Daysy and your recorded temperature curve can perfectly support you as a personal cycle diary.

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
CHF 319.00 CHF 399.00

Until 10/31/2024

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.