Desire to have children

Fulfilling the desire to have children with Daysy

First of all, it is important to know that under normal circumstances 92% of all couples become pregnant within one year! The probability per cycle is about 25%, so about every 4 cycles conception is successful and this is quite normal. Daysy helps you to make the most of this probability by telling you when your fertile days are and when or if you have ovulated and will ovulate.

What preparations can I make for pregnancy? 

Before a pregnancy, it is useful to discuss your plans with your treating gynecologist. Your gynecologist will perform a check-up: 

  • Your gynecologist will check your vaccination records and make up for any missing vaccinations (e.g. measles, mumps and rubella). This is the safest way to prevent complications from infectious diseases for you and your unborn baby. The vaccination also protects your baby in the first months of its life until it can be vaccinated itself. 
  • If you smoke, it is recommended that you take advantage of this opportunity to quit smoking and any excessive consumption of alcohol. It has been proven that smoking is not only bad for your baby, but also reduces female fertility. Statistically speaking, it takes twice as long for women who smoke to have children. 
  • It makes sense to eat a healthy and balanced diet even before pregnancy to provide yourself and especially your baby with all the nutrients you need. Furthermore, pregnant women, but also women who want to have children, are advised to take certain dietary supplements. Experts recommend folic acid and vitamin D, for example. 
  • Keep yourself fit. Exercise creates a feeling of well-being, and this has a positive effect on your hormone balance. But don't overdo it with sports! Competitive sports with permanent physical stress can postpone or even suppress ovulation and reduce fertility.

When is the best time to get pregnant?

To become pregnant, you should have unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation and the five days before. Sperm can survive in the female body for a maximum of five days (but usually for a fewer number of days), so planned intercourse shortly before and on the day of ovulation significantly increases the chances of getting pregnant. A scientific study has shown that 81% of the women who had tracked their cycle and planned sexual intercourse accordingly were pregnant within six months1


What is the best way to determine ovulation? 

Using your measured data and taking into account the maximum lifespan of sperm cells and the menstrual cycle database, Daysy is able to determine your fertile window as accurately as possible. The ideal moment to conceive can be planned based on your menstrual cycle history in the Daysy app, your cycle statistics and Daysy's prognosis. Daysy provides all the data you need to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 

  • In the cycle statistics, you can check when your ovulation took place in previous cycles. If you have a regular cycle, it is very likely that in your current cycle, your ovulation will also take place around this day. 
  • In addition, another factor plays a role: cervical mucus! You can enter this in the Daysy App, but your observations are not included in the calculation. You can find more information on how to evaluate the cervical mucus here under Learn More - Cervical Mucus

Track your fertility to get pregnant faster

One study revealed that the likelihood of conception in any one cycle when a couple has sexual intercourse one or more times on fertile days is only 27.7%. Couples who timed sexual intercourse close to ovulation had a far higher success rate, with 98% conceiving within 12 months. Research has shown that timing sexual intercourse within a few days of ovulation is essential for conception success rates.

In our survey of Daysy users, 63% reported they were able to conceive in the first cycle they tried. A full 89% of those surveyed reported they conceived within three months with Daysy.


Daysy precisely identifies your unique ovulation and makes timing intercourse during your cycle simple and successful.

Often, once we’ve made up our minds to get pregnant we’d like it to happen as soon as possible. Fertility tracking allows for more precise timing of conception and increases the likelihood that you will get pregnant faster. The power is in your hands with Daysy.

What are the first signs of pregnancy?

The basal body temperature is a good way to observe pregnancy at a very early stage. If your period does not occur and your basal body temperature remains at a constant high level (approx. 37 C°) for more than 18 days, it could be an early pregnancy (see figure). You may even observe a second increase in basal body temperature due to the fertilized egg implanting in the uterus. The implantation of the egg takes place about 6 to 12 days after ovulation.

  • Daysy indicates a possible pregnancy when all lights (red, green and yellow) flash. Daysy indicates a higher probability of pregnancy if all lights (red, green and yellow) are permanently on. In your chart in the Daysy app, a possible pregnancy is shown in blue in the temperature curve. 
  • Sensitive breasts: Another common sign of pregnancy is enlarged and sensitive-to-touch breasts. Not infrequently, the breasts can also become tense or even hurt. The reason for this is the increased blood circulation in the breast, which is why the nipples of some women already become darker. The same can also apply to the labia. These symptoms are found in 70 to 80 percent of all pregnant women and can occur as early as about one week after the absence of menstruation.
  • The implantation bleeding takes place about 4-6 days after fertilization and can be one of the first signs of pregnancy. As the name suggests, the bleeding is accompanied by the implantation of the fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Probably the best known and most common early sign of pregnancy is the well-known morning sickness. If you wake up in the morning with a sinking feeling in your stomach, you will probably ask yourself : "Am I pregnant?” The nausea is triggered by pregnancy hormones, which are now released in high quantities. 


I’m pregnant - now what?

You believe that you are pregnant because of the above mentioned signs? Or you have already taken a pregnancy test that was positive? Maybe you even think: I think I am pregnant despite a negative test! In any case, your next step should lead you to your gynecologist. Only a blood test for the said HCG hormone can give you final certainty. Early signs of pregnancy can be an indication, but are not confirmation. 

Important: Daysy is not a pregnancy test. To confirm a pregnancy, you must take a standard pregnancy test or consult your doctor.

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
CHF 319.00 CHF 399.00

Until 03/31/2025

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.

1) C Gnoth et. al. Hum Reprod. 2003 Sep;18(9):1959-66